introduction by flinlasity edenson
we editorial the 1781 private news agency polled one hundered and forty-seven ungrown hormonal emotionally stunted imbeciles on the nature of dance.
wee hedtoral the 1777 privit new agenty poled a hundread and photy sivun ungrowed harmonal emotianally stunded imbeciles on the nautrure of dance.
wea hedhole t17prinewsageny pole a hun dead and phaty sven ungowned ham onal motially stounded ibnciles on the nataure of dance.
this was their poem in prose form, compiled by cloon
dance dunce danwe until your feets flap
until your feets have bled bone ground down flesh from bone and dance dance dance your legs are now shorter than before
five foot four
oh hey, you are in a play, having just ground away the ends of your legs to mince danca
slipping in goo keep the rhythm snap your fingers to the beat
what is the name of this song i think i heard it before it goes like am i selling enough coffee i give to good causes too it's not all about the face
my name is cloon and i am magnificent wholly
no more fm what does that mean? it doesn't mean your stumpy little legs will grow back you can be sure of that
whatever happens I am sitting down now